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On Demand Webinars

AMA Webinar

AMA MAP™ Hypertension for Networks Webinar Series

CKD Webinar ImageManaging Chronic Kidney Disease: Insights and Solutions for Improved Patient Care
partnering in vbc headerPart 2 - Partnering in Value-Based Care Contracting: Is it Right for You?
partnering in vbc headerPart 1 - Partnering in Value-Based Care Contracting: Is it Right for You? 
6 Essential Elements Webinar HeaderThe Six Essential Elements of Value-Based Care: Maximizing the Azara Ecosystem for Success
VBC Webinar Page HeaderRiding the Waves of Value-Based Care: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Headed
ascvd-webinar-headerAdvancing ASCVD Care through Cholesterol Management
CR-webinarseries-imageThe Cost-Quality Connection: Understanding the Financial Impact of Quality in Value-Based Payment Models 
Screenshot 2024-08-12 062503AMA MAP™ BP Webinar Series

DRVS User Webinars

Azara user webinars are for DRVS users only and provide education to broaden and deepen user skills and introduce customers to new modules and enhancements. Webinars are delivered by Azara experts and educate and inform all levels of DRVS users—new to advanced. Every webinar includes a Q&A session and is recorded and available in DRVS Help.

Registration for each webinar is only available in DRVS Help which is accessible after a user logs into the system. If you are a new customer location and do not have a DRVS login yet, please contact your Client Success Manager for more details.

Missed a live webinar? Recordings and slides are available in DRVS Help.