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Azara ACE Program

ACE’d it? Share your DRVS success story and become an Azara ACE! 

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Achieve, Celebrate, Engage!

Show your organization has used DRVS to Achieve measurable results, Celebrate improvement in patient health outcomes, and effectively Engage care teams and/or patients. Stories should showcase how DRVS helped your organization overcome a challenge, the tools and solutions used to drive improvement and details of the successes that resulted from your initiatives. ACEs should be able to provide examples that quantify quality improvement, cost savings, operational efficiency or patient health improvement. 

Program Benefits:

  • Azara will help tell your story and provide a client-branded version for your use.
  • Potential to create a 2–4-minute video or hour-long Azara-hosted webinar.
  • Win Azara swag!

Submit your success story by completing the form at this link.